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Brodie Castle

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Brodie Castle is 23 miles east of Inverness, 6 miles east of Nairn, 4 miles west of Forres, on the Moray Coast road, built from 1567 for Clan Brodie.

The Castle and Playful Gardens can be visited, 1 Mar - 30 Jun 10.00 – 18.00 summer, 10.00–16.00 winter, closed 25 & 26 Dec and 1 Jan with an entrance fee. Postcode: IV36 2TE

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The Playful Gardens visits allow you to view the Castle Exterior, Gardens, Cafe, and Kids Play with an entrance fee. Tours of the Castle Interior are by a Guide with an entrance fee.

The image top is of the Rodney Stone at the entrance to the Castle.

The second image is from the walk from the Car Park to the Castle.

The lands here were awarded to the Brodie's in the 1100s, with the Castle seen today built from the 1500s, and Mansion built onto the east side from the 1800s.

Brodie Castle History

1160 - King Malcolm IV is said to have awarded this Estate to the Brodie Clan, with them building an early Castle on the land.

1567 - the earliest parts of the Brodie Castle seen today were built, probably on the site of a much earlier Castle.

1645 - Lewis Gordon of Clan Gordon, set Brodie Castle on fire during the Wars of Religion. Gordon supported the Royals at this time, and the Brodie's supported the Parliamentarians. The Castle was re-built soon after.

1700s - the Brodie's fought on the Government side during the Jacobite Risings, with the Battle of Culloden being the final defeat of the Jacobite's in 1745, 20 miles east of Brodie Castle.

After a major Battle, Kings would normally have taken Estates off Clans that fought against them, so as to award them to Clans that fought for the Royals. Culloden was different, as many Jacobite Clans had their Estates taken to be sold at Auction, raising money for the Royals.

Clans that fought with the Royals at Culloden, were rewarded with Titles and wealth through High Profile Jobs.

Culloden was the last Battle in the UK, leading to safer times, with Landowners then building large Mansion Houses, some close to their Castles, some built onto or around the Castles.

1824 to 1845 - a large Mansion House in the Scots Baronial style was built onto the east side of Brodie Castle.

1830s - the Rodney Stone was moved to the entrance of Brodie Castle. This is a Pictish Stone from around the 800s, discovered in a Church Yard close by in 1781.

1980 - the National Trust for Scotland took over the Castle to be used as a Tourist Attraction.

1990s - Brodie Countryfare opened close to the entrance of Brodie Castle, with a Restaurant and Shops.

2003 - Ninian Brodie died, the last Brodie to live in the Castle.

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